Offering services in office and via telehealth

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NEW! Food Play and Fitness Workshop

Register for Groups Here!

AMY GARDNER / November 8, 2015

We have 2 great groups starting soon.  This Tuesday is first day or our Meal Support Group with Jaimie Winkler.  There’s still room, so please complete the registration form below if you would like to participate.  The group meets weekly and...

Meal Support Group Starting Soon!

AMY GARDNER / October 15, 2015

Group Details This group will provide weekly meal supervision guided by an experienced eating disorder dietitian. It will serve as an additional tool for those in recovery from an eating disorder and function as a checkpoint for both provider and client.  Individuals...

Let’s “Nail” Eating Disorders

AMY GARDNER / February 12, 2015

Join us Monday, February 23rd 6:30-8:30pm for a night of nails, food and fun all while helping  “nail” eating disorders.  This fundraiser will kick off National Eating Disorder Awareness Week and support the Multi-Service Eating Disorder Association (MEDA) in their work providing services and treatment...

Join us for Lunch!

AMY GARDNER / May 22, 2013

Please join us for lunch THIS THURSDAY, May 23rd from 11:30-1 in our Newton Center office.  Learn how understanding the Glycemic Index can help boost metabolism, increase energy and manage weight.  Registered Dietitian, Amy Gardner will lead an active discussion...

Eating For Life Alliance

AMY GARDNER / October 17, 2011

We’d like to spread the word about a great local resource for universities, their students and families.  The Eating for Life Alliance is an organization dedicated to connecting colleges communities to eating disorder information, protocols and national experts in the field.  We encourage you...