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Diversity and inclusion is central to our mission.

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beyond nutrients.

Food can fuel your body and feed your soul. It also brings people and cultures together. Your relationship to food, your body and other people in your life is far more important than the nutrients you consume.  However, so many individuals in our culture struggle with eating disorders.

Here at Metrowest Nutrition and Therapy, we celebrate the diverse nature of food and those who share it.  We also embrace the diverse ways bodies exist in the world. As a result, this philosophy is central to our work with individuals with eating disorders as with all our clients.

We proudly work with all ages, genders, races, bodies and abilities, creating a welcoming space to explore food and body relationships as well as heal from dieting and eating disorders.


Create a positive relationship with food, your body and yourself while achieving greater overall wellbeing.

Nutrition counseling and psychotherapy offer a powerful combination to heal food and body image concerns.  Which is why, here at Metrowest Nutrition and Therapy, we provide both of these services.  Whether you’re struggling with an eating disorder, body image concerns or feeding your child, our team is here to help you.

Additionally, our psychotherapists can support you through life transitions, healing from past trauma, managing ADHD or mood concerns. Our dietitians also offer nutrition counseling for athletic performance. Our experienced dietitians and psychotherapists have a wide variety of specialties and expertise which can help you through:

  • One-on-One Psychotherapy
  • One-on-One Nutrition Counseling
  • Group Therapy (e.g. Intuitive Eating, iMove™)
  • Peer Support Groups (e.g. Finding Fat Joy)
  • Experiential Skills Practice
  • Meal Support for Eating Disorders

We accept a wide variety of health insurance.

Meal Support for Eating Disorders


Counseling for Eating Disorders


Whether one-on-one, in small groups, at home or in our office, you’ll find a comfortable place to reach your personal goals.

Food and Body Image Concerns


Any organization benefits from exploring the wellbeing of their community.  For this reason, we work with a variety of budgets to create programs for schools or groups of any size.


Eating Disorders Dietitian


Amy is founder and owner of Metrowest Nutrition and Therapy and author of  iMove, Helping Your Clients Heal from Compulsive Exercise. Understanding the influence of diet culture and storng connection between social identity, psychology and health, she strives to bring equity to the world of caring for individuals around concerns relating to eating disorders, food and body image.

Eating Disorders Dietitian


Alison is a Certified Eating Disorder Dietitian through IAEDP and the Clinical Manager at Metrowest Nutrition.  Prior to joining Metrowest Nutrition full-time, she was Lead Dietitian at a residential eating disorder treatment program. She has extensive experience at all levels of eating disorder care, including inpatient, with both adults and adolescents. 


Megan has over 10 years of experience working with individuals with eating disorders at all levels of care.  She helps clients investigate eating patterns to improve the relationship with food, allowing it to naturally fit into their lives, not consume them. She is a non-diet, fat positive licensed dietitian who works from a Health at Every Size HAES® lens while acknowledging the important social justice component of this movement.

Nourish yourself.

It’s time to have a better relationship with food and your body. Together we’ll get there.