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Meal Support Group Starting Soon!

AMY GARDNER / October 15, 2015

Group Details

This group will provide weekly meal supervision guided by an experienced eating disorder dietitian. It will serve as an additional tool for those in recovery from an eating disorder and function as a checkpoint for both provider and client.  Individuals will benefit from accountability and peer support; knowing there is a meal once per week where there is a firm expectation may help him/her stay on track with meals the rest of the week. Supervision also may help providers and clients assess where an individual is in treatment, providing information to support continued outpatient treatment versus higher level of care.

Jaimie Winkler, MS, RD worked as Senior Dietitian at the Klarman Eating Disorder Center for 8 years where she facilitated meal supervision for individuals recovering from eating disorders.  She is able to provide the necessary support and structure for this group while maintaining appropriate boundaries within the group and collaborating with the multidisciplinary team.  Please visit this link to learn more about her here.

Requirements for participation:  Individuals under consideration for the group should be screened by outside provider(s) prior to recommendation to group. Individuals will need to have a referring provider who will help coordinate care and the client process information from the group.

The following are exclusion criteria:
• Weight below 85% of ideal
• Inability to consume solid foods or complete meals
• Cognitive dysfunction and/or disrupting social behavior
• Requires one-on-one attention to complete meal
• Refuses food regularly
• Requires supervision following a meal to prevent purging

Group expectations and structure will be outlined for individuals during the screening process.  Please contact Jaimie Winkler directly to set up a screening.  617-332-2282 or

Space is limited.  To secure your spot, make a payment here and contact Jaimie to set up your screening.