What Does ‘Non-Diet’ Really Mean? – Part 2
Part 2 of our multi-part blog series about the ‘Non-Diet’ approach to health and wellness.
Non-diet principal #2: Our bodies CAN be trusted
Our bodies have so much more wisdom about how to eat than we give them credit for. Part of the non-diet approach is the application of Intuitive Eating,
a framework that emphasizes reliance on internal cues over external rules to guide food decisions. Meaning, you don’t need meal plans, calorie levels
and food scales to help you figure out how to eat. We are all born with an innate wisdom about how to feed our bodies in a satisfying and nourishing
way, but the diet culture in which we live bombards us with rules about how to eat to lose weight and be “healthy” which erodes any trust we may have
had in our ability to make our own food decisions. A non-diet approach to nutrition helps you reconnect to that innate wisdom by breaking down the
barriers that may be preventing you from truly connecting with yourself and your body. And unlike dieting, intuitive eating and the non-diet approach
is linked to many positive health outcomes, including lower triglyceride levels, higher HDL cholesterol, better body image, higher self esteem and
lower rates of eating disorders.
a framework that emphasizes reliance on internal cues over external rules to guide food decisions. Meaning, you don’t need meal plans, calorie levels
and food scales to help you figure out how to eat. We are all born with an innate wisdom about how to feed our bodies in a satisfying and nourishing
way, but the diet culture in which we live bombards us with rules about how to eat to lose weight and be “healthy” which erodes any trust we may have
had in our ability to make our own food decisions. A non-diet approach to nutrition helps you reconnect to that innate wisdom by breaking down the
barriers that may be preventing you from truly connecting with yourself and your body. And unlike dieting, intuitive eating and the non-diet approach
is linked to many positive health outcomes, including lower triglyceride levels, higher HDL cholesterol, better body image, higher self esteem and
lower rates of eating disorders.
It’s important to remember that rebuilding trust with your body and repairing your relationship with food doesn’t happen overnight. If you’ve struggled
with disordered eating, chronic dieting or an eating disorder, it’s going to take time to learn how to listen to your body again. It will require some
guidance, and gentle structure. A non-diet dietitian understands that and will work with you to figure out how to start re-establishing body trust
in an appropriate and manageable way.
with disordered eating, chronic dieting or an eating disorder, it’s going to take time to learn how to listen to your body again. It will require some
guidance, and gentle structure. A non-diet dietitian understands that and will work with you to figure out how to start re-establishing body trust
in an appropriate and manageable way.
Part 3 coming your way tomorrow!