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2 “Healthy” Foods That Are Underrated

Heart-y Soups

AMY GARDNER / February 2, 2015

February is ‘National Heart Health’ month.  What better way to warm your heart and your belly this time of year than to prepare and enjoy a delicious soup with loved ones? Many soups, particularly cream-based ones, are high in saturated...

Get Your Greens!

AMY GARDNER / December 2, 2014

We featured the first smoothie listed below at our wellness table at Blue Cross Blue Shield in Quincy last week and received rave reviews!  Many people asked for the recipe so we thought we’d re-post it.  Try both of these...

Chocolate’s Hidden Bounty

AMY GARDNER / November 9, 2014

Is chocolate your friend or foe?  People often describe themselves as being “addicted to chocolate”.  Of all foods, chocolate is likely the most commonly craved, particularly for women.  The winter months seem to heighten these cravings.  Many people also express...

Eat Your Fat Folks!

AMY GARDNER / August 7, 2014

For years, health practitioners led by USDA guidelines, have been encouraging people to cut out fat.  The result has been an influx of highly processed, low fat options that are higher in sugar and/or simple carbohydrates.  We’ve also led on the assumption that a calorie,...

The Vitamin D Debacle

AMY GARDNER / December 20, 2010

Do we need more vitamin D?  Some clinicians say yes and the more the better.  However, The Institute of Medicine (IOM) issued a report on November 30th cautioning the public about high doses of vitamin D supplementation.  Although the review panel...