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“Anna Rexia” Costume Fuels Controversy

AMY GARDNER / October 5, 2011

One of my clients described this Halloween costume today as I listened in disbelief.  The “Anna Rexia” costume is a short, tight black dress with the outline of a skeleton on it accompanied by a tape measure around the waist.  The heart-shaped name tag coincidentally represents one of the many organs afflicted by anorexia.

How is it acceptable or the least bit humorous to mock such a serious illness?  As my client put it, you would never see a cancer patient Halloween costume.  So what’s the difference?  It highlights the ignorance many have to the devastating consequences of this serious condition (i.e. 10-15% fatality rate).  The fact that anyone could see this as humorous is downright disturbing!

To view this Halloween costume and read more about the controversy around it, check out this abc report Eating Disorder Experts Have a Bone to Pick with Controversial “Anna Rexia” Costume.