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Myrese Nochomowitz, MPH, RD, LDN

Licensed Dietitian

“I enjoy helping individuals explore new experiences with food, find joy in eating and reach their goals"

Myrese received her Bachelor of Science in Dietetics from the University of Connecticut and her Master of Public Health from George Washington University. She provides a warm, nurturing environment help her clients to discover and explore their health and wellness goals.  She has extensive training and experience with the neurodivergent population having worked in early intervention and more recently, in private practice.  She has a particular interest and passion working with individuals with Avoidant Restrictive Food and Intake Disorder (ARFID). 

Myrese strives to develop a supportive, collaborative relationship with clients while respecting their unique lived experience and needs. She enjoys working with people of all ages and backgrounds and brings a wide array of skills and perspectives to her work.  Myrese is highly skilled in working with picky and selective eating.  She values creating mindful mealtime habits and helping her clients find joy in food.

Myrese’s holistic and individualized approach to health and wellness, in combination with her background in nutrition and public health provides a unique foundation to help people build attainable and sustainable lifelong habits. Food can be a deeply personal and even emotional topic.

Myrese’s philosophy strives to empower and guide people to consider making realistic, positive changes with the ultimate goals of enjoying life, trying something new and having fun.


Eating Disorders



Early Childhood Feeding

Selective/ Picky Eating