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Megan Gamerman, MS, LDN

Licensed Dietitian

“The goal of nutrition therapy in eating disorder recovery is not to negate your lived experience or prior nutrition knowledge, it is to explore alternative ways of thinking about and interacting with food that may better suit your needs.”

Megan received her Bachelors of Social Work from Hawaii Pacific University and graduated from the Didactic Program of Dietetics at Simmons College. She centers her nutritional practice on eating disorders through a Person-In-Environment (PIE) social work perspective, addressing the multitude of layers that shape belief systems about food, weight, and health.

Through her early training as a social worker, Megan had the privilege to work with the Samaritan’s Suicide hotline leading teen suicide watch groups.  In this role she saw a pattern of suicide ideation that had manifested itself in body dysmorphia, body image disturbance, and disordered eating.  This inspired her to pursue of an advanced degree in nutrition with a focus on eating disorders. In 2011, she authored an essay for the New York Public Library’s “100 Ways to Make History” that highlighted her desire to dismantle and reshape the way we approach language as it pertains to fatness.

Megan has over 10 years of experience working with individuals with eating disorders at all levels of care.  She was the Food and Nutrition Services Director at the Cambridge Eating Disorder Center (CEDC) where she earned the moniker “Director of Food Positivity”.  In Megan’s word, “eating disorders are not a product of food or weight (though may be triggered by a diet) so it can be helpful to engage the [client’s] palate while treating them. Trying to elicit or create positive memories around food can allow space to process what is really going on [underneath the disorder] and find alternate coping mechanisms.”

Megan is a self-described foodie with nearly 20 years of experience in the restaurant industry and cooking tutorials.  This allows her to help her clients navigate food from all angles, including preparation and experimentation.  She really enjoys exploring food with her clients as part of her work.

Megan passionately challenges diet culture norm and the perceived morality surrounding it.  She helps clients investigate eating patterns to improve the relationship with food, allowing it to naturally fit into their lives, not consume them.  She believes in the power of language; how food and body is talked about in the mind (or in the home) has a great impact on an individual’s eating behavior.  She also believes strongly that this can be reshaped to help behaviors.  She is a non-diet, fat positive licensed dietitian who works from a Health at Every Size HAES® lens while acknowledging the important social justice component of this movement.


  • Health at Every Size (HAES)
  • Eating Disorders/ Disordered Eating
  • Body Image
  • Intuitive Eating
  • Women’s Health