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Katie Epstein-Candler, MS, RD, LDN

Licensed Dietitian

"I believe all people deserve to have a positive relationship with food - we need it every day, for our entire lives! My mission is to help each individual in their personal relationship with food and nourishment, whatever that looks like for them."

Katie’s passion for helping individuals who struggle with eating disorders has grown out of many different facets of her life. She has been interested in how the human body works since her early days as a dancer, and her understanding that our bodies need consistent, adequate fuel was a lived experience during years of rehearsal and performance. That curiosity about human physiology developed alongside a love for food and cooking into a career in nutrition and dietetics. Katie’s core belief that everybody deserves to enjoy their relationship with food has manifested with a focus in the treatment of eating disorders, along with championing HAES-aligned healthcare practices and breaking down diet culture.

Katie worked for three years in an inpatient program, treating severe eating disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions. This experience showed Katie how every individual struggling with an ED is just that – an individual. Not one person has the same history, needs, or goals as another, and this is how Katie approaches every new client interaction. Katie prioritizes collaboration with clients to find attainable, relevant goals, and then provides support in meeting them.

Katie’s other professional passions include family food dynamics, pregnancy and post-partum nutrition, and pediatric nutrition, when the littlest eaters are forming their own relationship with food! She thinks reshaping how food, nutrition, and health are discussed in schools and other kid-centric spaces is the next important frontier in dismantling diet culture. Outside and alongside her work, Katie enjoys cooking and baking, spending time with her dog and husband, seeing theatrical productions, and trying out new craft projects.


  • Eating Disorders
  • Disordered Eating
  • Pediatric Feeding
  • HAES/Weight-Inclusive Nutrition Care
  • Picky Eating