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Amanda Curde

Billing Assistant

"I love that I get help clients navigate the complexities of insurance and billing and to see their progress and improvement as they receive care."

Amanda started her career journey working in the mental health field, working in various medical offices and perfecting her customer service skills through call center work. She spent more than 7 years working for the University of Tennessee doing HR, Payroll, Visa paperwork and coordinating conferences and travel for professors and staff.

She was then blessed to be able to become a stay-at-home mom for the next 8 years, but stayed connected to her community by doing volunteer work at her children’s schools and at the local Head Start Program, where she was elected to be on the Interview Committee, Policy Council, and Health Services Advisory Committee.

In her role as Billing Assistant with Metrowest Nutrition and Therapy, Amanda is an incredibly empathic and helpful team player. She always has the best interests of our clients at heart and strives for excellent customer service in all her interactions.

Amanda is a native of Alabama and now lives in Tennessee with her four children, ranging in ages 23 – 2 ½.